Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Chatty Gals and Charlie

So Dom was on The View, and he was utterly adorable, though I sort of wish he'd been on a show where there weren't four women talking over top of him.  Still, it was nice to hear him talk a bit about the show, and about his Lord of the Rings experience.  He said there was a year between filming and the first movie coming out, and he spent it mostly feeling depressed and useless, which I found interesting.  I didn't think there was that much lag time there.  He did go back for reshoots several times, I'm sure...  But if the brilliant Dominic has been through such a searing period of self-doubt, and after being involved in such an unbelievable experience as Lord of the Rings, maybe there is still a bit of hope for me after all.  I just am starting to feel like I'm running out of time...
Anyway, they showed a clip, which I sort of wish I hadn't seen, but I mostly don't care, because I knew Desmond was down in that hatch anyway from the previews.  It showed Charlie tied up, and Desmond came up through the hole in the floor, wet hair dripping into his eyes, looking astounded.  They had a very quick conversation, then Charlie told Desmond to hide because one of the Charlie's Angels was coming back.  (Hmmm, they aren't being very angelic to Charlie, though, are they?)  She demanded to know who he'd been talking to, and he said he'd been singing, and he started singing You All, Everybody until she whapped him across the face with her gun.  Aw...  I  guess she's not a Driveshaft fan.  Anyway, Dom said that the very end of Greatest Hits was like a rebirth, since Charlie had made his peace with dying but suddenly found himself alive and with a second chance.  And now that he's in this precarious position with the gun-toting gals, he's just going to have a bit of fun with them before he goes out, if indeed he does.
In the latest preview, I saw a massive wave lapping up onto the shore, which could be an indication of the tsunami.  I wonder about Jack's "I love you"; obviously we're all going to figure he's talking to Kate, especially since it cuts to her two seconds later, but we don't know that it actually cuts to her on the show, and even if it did it still wouldn't be proof that he's declaring his love for her at last.  He could be...  It does look like he's on the island.  So it's probably either Kate or Juliet, or else it's more of a general "I love you" to the people he's trying to rescue, or their saviors have shown up and he says "I love you" to them out of sheer relief.  But if the tsunami affects them, I'd say Naomi's ship is probably done for, as are the folks on it, unless they are on the island at the time when it hits with full force.  So there goes the rescue for another three seasons...

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