Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I Translate for Dogen (Git Along Little Dogies, Traditional)

"I don't like the way English tastes on my tongue." - Dogen, LA X, Part 2

I got a kick out of Lennon, Dogen's translator, even though Hurley revealed him to be rather unnecessary. Here's a little reflection from Lennon about that, to the tune of the cowboy song Git Along Little Dogies.

I Translate for Dogen

Well, it was a calm afternoon at the Temple
Till Reyes and his band of castaways came.
It seemed their arrival disquieted Dogen.
He told me to order our men to take aim.

Kinda dumb, I know, but I translate for Dogen.
I've been a polyglot since I was young.
Kinda dumb, I know, but I translate for Dogen.
He doesn’t like how English tastes on his tongue.

Reyes was quick and protested to Dogen.
He said a guitar case could prove who he was.
Inside was an ankh, and in that was a name list,
‘Cause Jacob digs distance just like Dogen does.

Kinda dumb, I know, but I translate for Dogen,
Who hates to mingle with regular folk.
Kinda dumb, I know, but I translate for Dogen.
Without him, this Temple would go up in smoke.

Well, I feel a bit silly translating for Dogen;
He’s almost as fluent in English as me.
But I can’t complain; it’s a cushy position,
Superfluous as we both know it to be.

Kinda dumb, I know, but I translate for Dogen.
He leaves his phrase book inside on the shelf.
Kinda dumb, I know, but I translate for Dogen
Until he decides to just speak for himself.

Git Along Little Dogies

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