Thursday, June 7, 2007

Baby Brother

Though he's only actually appeared in three episodes of LOST, I feel like viewers have come to know Liam, older brother of Charlie Pace, fairly well. My feelings toward him are very mixed, since for the most part he seems to have contributed mightily to the downfall of Driveshaft and Charlie's own devastating heroin addiction. Yet there is definite evidence of fraternal affection from his end, particularly when he gives Charlie their mother's ring, ironically believing that it will be safer with him. While Liam's sudden determination to clean up his act, inspired by a desire to be a good father and husband, is admirable, in order to achieve his goal he abandons Charlie, who has always been there for him in times of crisis. So I imagine Liam has been feeling pretty guilty since the crash of Flight 815. Here's a little poem chronicling his contrition.

Baby Brother

I'm sorry, baby brother.
I drifted from your side,
Denied how much I owed you. I was wrong.
I'm sorry, baby brother.
You followed where I led,
To dead-end drugs that stripped the joy from song.

I'm sorry, baby brother.
I know you were the band.
You handed me a fortune, and such fame!
I'm sorry, baby brother.
The noble dream you chased
Was wasted on this Pace who shamed our name.

I'm sorry, baby brother.
I made you take Mum's ring,
The thing we treasured most, and now it's lost.
I'm sorry, baby brother.
Refusing your request
Seemed best. I hadn't counted on the cost.

I'm sorry, baby brother.
Though you were just a whelp,
You helped me after every ugly fall.
I'm sorry, baby brother.
I left you with my mess.
I guess I was the baby after all.

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